I wonder if they even bothered with insurance for the shot? Or what the premium was?
And how many players and golf team members are now trying that putt???? Oh, and Caitlin Clark!
I just watched the video. The "hole" was placed at the spot where the three point line meets the baseline. The contestant was putting from the same spot on the other end.
Something that I hadn't thought about when I initially posted was the effect the dimples on the ball would have on the wood floor and how much the ball would bounce. Watching the ball, as it gets near midcourt, you can see it bouncing.
Then I watched it a few more times. Something else I noticed is that when the ball got to the area near the far baseline, it was 2-3 boards inside the the three point line. This is the area where the line is straight to accommodate the sideline. Then the ball slowly starts making it's way toward the three point line and goes in!!
Truly amazing!!!
"Women are judged on their success, men on their potential. It’s time we started believing in the potential of women." —Muffet McGraw