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Rebkell: sad news
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PostPosted: 01/08/25 7:59 pm    ::: Rebkell: sad news Reply Reply with quote

Unfortunately I am here to deliver the sad news that your founder Kelly Lingerfelt passed away this morning 1/8/24 after a very short battle with cancer.
This community was always something he was immensely proud of and he enjoyed the time spent here.
I know I always hate the wondering when someone I know online suddenly stops communicating so I wanted you to know with certainty.
The obituary can be viewed at

Thank you for the community and friendship you gave my uncle all these years,
Kristin Wolfe and the entire Lingerfelt Family

If anyone has any questions or would like to reach out directly my email is


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PostPosted: 01/08/25 9:38 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Sad I didn't know Kelly, but for those that did, all the good feelings to you and condolences.


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PostPosted: 01/08/25 11:15 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

It’s a surprise. He seemed in good spirits during election talk. Blessings to the family.🙏🏻

Nnekalonians 1:14 - Thou shalt not accept that which is not earned
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PostPosted: 01/09/25 12:30 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Shades wrote:
It’s a surprise. He seemed in good spirits during election talk. Blessings to the family.🙏🏻

There may have been a few comments from him in the hospital this last week about at least he outlived Carter and wasn't going to have to watch season 2 of the trump shit show


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PostPosted: 01/09/25 12:57 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Thank you Kristin for letting all of us know. Condolences to your family.

This board of 20+ years holds a lot of moments, and a lot of memories for many people – of which, I'd at least like to think we're all better off for it.

I'm happy to see that he got to see that women's basketball, frankly, has never been in better shape than it is now.

Rest in peace, rebs. Thank you for the community you built here.


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PostPosted: 01/09/25 3:10 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

My level of interest in women's basketball would have never been as high as it is without these message boards. Thank you so much, Kelly: RIP.


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PostPosted: 01/09/25 10:51 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

How sad. This was the place to be for women's bball back in the day(before social media).


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PostPosted: 01/09/25 2:52 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

May his memory be a blessing to you as it is to us.

In a time when we were in danger of losing our community, he stepped up and gave us a home. And while many of us have dispersed elsewhere, we keep coming back.

If the site needs to go down, is there a way you can provide us a heads-up so there's some way to archive it? (*Is* there some way to archive it? 'cause there's a lot of horseshit on here but there's also a lot of lore and history)

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PostPosted: 01/09/25 3:24 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Queenie wrote:
May his memory be a blessing to you as it is to us.

In a time when we were in danger of losing our community, he stepped up and gave us a home. And while many of us have dispersed elsewhere, we keep coming back.

If the site needs to go down, is there a way you can provide us a heads-up so there's some way to archive it? (*Is* there some way to archive it? 'cause there's a lot of horseshit on here but there's also a lot of lore and history)

My understanding is that while he was still active in the community he handed the actual running over to the mods a while back and if that is true then I see no reason anything should change.
I knew nothing of this endeavor until yesterday when I found a deposit for ad revenue and asked my dad about it. I was extremely blessed that all of his computers where left to my household (him and my son build several gaming computers together and him and my wife shared a love of all things CNC and 3d printing) and there for I have access to the page.

My uncle was actually a very private man in person and until his stroke in 2018 I knew him but never really KNEW him, so finding an entire community of people that he regularly communicated with is but fascinating and honestly just wild as hell for me.

I will contuine to check in from time to time and if any Mod or Admins could reach out so I know what's actullying going on that would be great. If we are inccorect in who was running the page and it was in fact still him, I guess I'll need to brush up on my computer skills because I for one would love to see this little piece of my uncles legacy continue to live on.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey and for letting me see this little glimpse of with exactly uncle Kelly was.

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PostPosted: 01/09/25 9:49 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

While I'm not anywhere near as active on here as I once was, it is thanks to the board that my fandom for women's basketball grew even larger than it was before I found this forum.

My condolences to Kelly's family and friends and hearty thank you to him for starting this forum.

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PostPosted: 01/10/25 12:10 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

rebkell wrote:

I will continue to check in from time to time and if any Mod or Admins could reach out so I know what's actually going on that would be great. If we are incorrect in who was running the page and it was in fact still him, I guess I'll need to brush up on my computer skills because I for one would love to see this little piece of my uncles legacy continue to live on.

From time to time, the board would really slow down, and he was the only one who could fix it. This was from the last time that happened.

For some reason, the ability for non-registered users (guests) to post on the board (leading to spam) got turned on. That needs to be turned off or things could get messy.

Nnekalonians 1:14 - Thou shalt not accept that which is not earned

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PostPosted: 01/10/25 2:59 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Wow, short battle is right Sad
Thanks very much for letting us know, Kristin. Condolences to you and the family.

It wasn't that long ago I was exchanging messages with him, he seemed fine, and was talking about things that as usual, largely went over my head. His mind was still sharp as a tack even though the words didn't flow as smoothly since the stroke.

There may have been a few comments from him in the hospital this last week about at least he outlived Carter and wasn't going to have to watch season 2 of the trump shit show

He really build quite a community here, right when the sport he loved needed it most.

Thanks for calling. I wait all night for calls like these.

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PostPosted: 01/10/25 11:30 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

This is sad news

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PostPosted: 01/10/25 12:39 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

rebkell wrote:
My understanding is that while he was still active in the community he handed the actual running over to the mods a while back and if that is true then I see no reason anything should change.
I knew nothing of this endeavor until yesterday when I found a deposit for ad revenue and asked my dad about it. I was extremely blessed that all of his computers where left to my household (him and my son build several gaming computers together and him and my wife shared a love of all things CNC and 3d printing) and there for I have access to the page.

My uncle was actually a very private man in person and until his stroke in 2018 I knew him but never really KNEW him, so finding an entire community of people that he regularly communicated with is but fascinating and honestly just wild as hell for me.

I will contuine to check in from time to time and if any Mod or Admins could reach out so I know what's actullying going on that would be great. If we are inccorect in who was running the page and it was in fact still him, I guess I'll need to brush up on my computer skills because I for one would love to see this little piece of my uncles legacy continue to live on.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey and for letting me see this little glimpse of with exactly uncle Kelly was.

My sincerest condolences to you and your family for your loss.


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PostPosted: 01/10/25 2:40 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Thanks Kristin for keeping us informed of Kelly's health and his subsequent loss of life. He meant so much to all of us by providing us a means for women's basketball conversation and more that was not really available in the capacity it was. We were blessed with the level of knowledgable members that Kelly made possible.

We all argued, agreed and disagreed but in the end we were all very glad to have been given the opportunity to do so.

Let's celebrate Kelly's life with joy and approval.


To All, have a safe and prosperous 2025!

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PostPosted: 01/10/25 7:25 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I also want to express my condolences on your family's loss.

This is the WNBA site I found early on, and it had a lot of knowledgeable and passionate people. I hope that those who might still lurk occasionally will comment on the impact this site had for them!

Because the site wasn't updated to a more stable UI, it would go down occasionally. This Twit/X site was where we sometimes went to check the status: I think jammerbirdi was the primary owner, and the last post was in 10/24 when there was an issue.

You can see from the number of threads, posters, and posts that your uncle impacted thousands of us through his site! The internet remembers everything, so his presence won't be forgotten.

At the same time, because of the site's instability, it might be worth looking into this, where many sites have been preserved:

May Kelly rest in eternal peace!

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PostPosted: 01/11/25 5:00 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Thank you everyone for the kind words. As of right now we are looking for someone that can maintain everything here while we decide what to do. The current options are to keep it exactly as it is or possibly get it moved to a more modern and stable platform and see about restoring it to some of its former glory. While that would be much harder to do without Kelly's knowledge and passion, I like to think it is possible.

We are still in the process of planning the memorial service (anyone local to East Tennesse please feel free to come and pay your respects) so if there is anything you guys think should be included, please feel free to throw your 2 cents in.

I'll keep checking in occasionally but if there's anything I need to know or work on addressing please feel free to reach out through email


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PostPosted: 01/11/25 11:23 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I add my condolences to your family in this time of loss. 😢

Being here for over 20 years now, I've actually come to think of "Rebs" as a kind of (wbb) surrogate family. That's been particularly valuable to me, since I have no other close friends who share this interest.

I very deliberately have no accounts with facebook, X, instagram, TikTok, etc.; I view them as mostly vortices of dark energy, with the power to draw out the most negative side of humans.

On the other hand, this board has brought together a finite-but-eclectic set of people whose shared experiences, contributions and insights have HUGELY enhanced my understanding and appreciation of *our game*, during this time when it's moved from a niche sport into one of international relevance. I'm rooting for Rebkell's long and lively existence. 😎

Please know that your uncle's labor of love was a gift to so many of us, and thank you for sharing this news in such a personal way.

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PostPosted: 01/12/25 11:14 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I first discovered this place in 2018 die to a blog post reference and lurked for a while before I joined.

Thank you to reb for creating a place where we can discuss the W. With the rise in popularity and discourse of the league, I treasure this place even more since it allows me to discuss the league with people are actually familiar with the league.

My condolences. I’m so glad you got to learn about your Uncle’s internet footprint and legacy.


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PostPosted: 01/12/25 10:23 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Very sad to see this news. Thank you for sharing with our little community here.

Much love to you and the Kelly's whole family. May his memory always be a treasure.

For us, our Reb will always hold an important place not just on this site but in the history of women's basketball.


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PostPosted: 01/13/25 3:09 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Just saw this. Can't begin to process it. I want to say goodbye to my friend but I'm going to need a minute. Till then please accept my condolences, Kristin, and pass on my deepest sympathies to your family.

jammerbirdi wrote:

Love you man and I know it makes you uncomfortable for me to say it but I do. If I think of how much we all owe you it can't even be quantified. You gave ME a free speech platform and where else could I have done what I've done here? Nowhere. This place changed my life which means YOU changed my life. Thank you.

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PostPosted: 01/14/25 9:42 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Sorry for your loss.

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PostPosted: 01/15/25 9:29 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Very sad news. My condolences to the family.

RebKell has been a major part of my basketball life, and thanks to Kelly for making it happen.

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PostPosted: 01/15/25 1:42 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Not sure if I interacted personally on the site with RebKell that much but I have been benefited by this site greatly. Having experienced the days of alienation and disrespect on the interwebs for even bringing up the topic of women's basketball, I was ecstatic to find a place of like-minded people to share in my fandom. I am very appreciative of that.

Its always hard to lose a loved one. I wish the best you and yours.

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PostPosted: 01/16/25 7:39 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

While I am not the most active poster on these boards, I have been a lurker for darn near 20 years now and post from time to time. I am so happy to have found them all those years ago. I learned a lot from the super connected and educated posters on these boards and I would be super sad to see this community go.

My condolences on our loss. Losing a parent can be very tough. I appreciate your reaching out to us here and any efforts you might do to keep Rebkell's up!


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